ShareTransport measures to tackle the Novel Coronavirus

ShareTransport measures to tackle the Novel Coronavirus

February 11th, 2020 | NEWS  

Preventive Measures

Dear ShareTransport Commuters, in light of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019 - nCoV) situation, ShareTransport has stepped up our efforts with our partner transport operators to ensure our commuters continue to have  a safe and comfortable journey with us:

1. All Drivers are reminded to take their temperature regularly and practise good personal hygiene by washing their hands regularly or use hand sanitisers to clean their hands. 

2. Drivers are reminded to clean and maintain the cleanliness of the bus and to disinfect high contact points in the bus like the handrail and seats.

3. Aircon maintenance of the bus will be stepped up and allow more ventilation time within the bus in between trips.

4. Hand sanitisers for passenger used in the bus will be made available progressively as stocks arrived in stores.

We also seek the cooperation of all our passengers on adopting the following to ensure everyone have a pleasant journey:

1. Avoid taking the Bus or wear a mask should you feel unwell.

2. Do not eat or drink in the Bus

3. Do not Litter in the Bus.


We will get through this together & let's all do our part.